What’s new in taking a screenshot in Xcode 11.4 simulator
Apple keeps on adding changes to the Xcode and simulators to make development ease. The changes might be something major like push notification support in the simulator or minor like capturing a screenshot.
Save screen:
Saves screenshot in Mac
You might have used Cmd + S in the simulator for saving the current frame buffer as a screenshot, which will be saved in your Desktop by default. Apple just renamed it as Save screen for better readability and usability.
Use Option + Cmd + S to save screenshot in different location
Saves screenshot in simulator’s camera roll
You can find this option in Device -> Screenshot menu. Screenshot allows us to take a screenshot and save it in the simulator’s camera roll. You can apply all markup and edit functionalities to your screenshot by selecting a screenshot image at the bottom left corner of the simulator.
New screenshot button:
Xcode 11.4 simulators have a new standard menu bar with buttons for common tasks. You can find the screenshot button(3rd button in the above image) which is very handy to take a screenshot.
Click screenshot icon to Save screen
Hold Option key and click screenshot icon to take Screenshot
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